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I wrote a blog a week ago about friendships and my journey to find new friends. In that particular blog I mentioned a friend… I gave a vague opinion of the friend. Never expecting her to read the post , never expecting her comment on the post but just like life… everything happens for a reason . And it was an opportunity to talk about things that we had not talked about and an opportunity for me to think of how to be a friend.

Friendships comes with a lot of understanding, a lot of forgiveness and a lot of communication. And if you are not willing to give any or all of it you are not willing to be  true to a friendship.  I must admit that communication is an issue for me . I am easy to cut a person off if things feel uncomfortable and because we are humans its pretty often that we do not take the time to understand how another person really feels about their situations. We are so wrapped up in ME…that we ignore the signs of someone that may be taking a situation differently .

Have I been as understanding with feelings and emotions as I should? Nope! I’ve been so caught up with things that were going on in my everyday life that I have neglected to really realize what can or will upset a friend. Am I wrong? Yes . Can I make it right ? Sure.

One thing I have learned from being a Pastors daughter is how to forgive, how to understand and how to have compassion . I’ve also learned a lot of other defense mechanisms that have allowed me to block, ignore and look the other way . And in a lot of ways I have brought those good and bad things into all of my relationships.

All relationships are give and take . I give an ear and you lend an ear. I give attention and you lend your attention. Friends are supposed to uplift and encourage. Friends are never jealous or envious. Friends are happy when you win and there to build you up when you fall. Friends hold you accountable to live a life of integrity. Friends tell you the truth and never lie. Friends never lie on you , never lie about their feelings toward you .

So I said that to say … Was I being a great friend ?


Ahhhh , another question another blog .

loving Life


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