A lot of things are put into perspective when you don’t feel good. It is very true that you think about everything that you could have done if you weren’t down. If you’re hot you think about those days you complained about the air. If you are cold you think about those moments being in your grandmother’s living room with that one space heater that she purchased from well, the Suburbs of Hell. I mean there is never hardly a time that you are just thankful for where you are , when you are there. Isn’t that weird? I guess its life…<img src=”https://mwerickson.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/thankful.jpg” alt=”Image result for thankful pictures”>
So when I suddenly got the flu on the week end that was my son’s birthday I thought about all the things we could do if I was well. I said as soon as I get up , I’m gonna take a bath, wash my face , brush my teeth , comb my hair , get dressed, go buy a birthday cake, some candles, and we would go to the movies. While I was sick my family was very nice to me, asking me am I feeling okay, would I like anything. I discovered that my husband can pick out clothes for the kids and he knew what to do with broom and a mop. Who knew?
<img src=”https://resizing.flixster.com/CbY4ILdMcvvi7ZZeOSPI-FpXX3o=/fit-in/1152×864/v1.bjs4NjE4MjE7ajsxNzI4OTsxMjAwOzMzMDs0NDA”>
But that moment I felt a little better, all the work I was required to do because I have made a commitment to be a Mommy and wife and the law was enforced quickly and guess what all those warm thoughts of hugging and kissing all my friends ( babies) were short lived and I can’t even believe I said that I would take them anywhere , just kidding , well not really.
<img src=”http://www.evilenglish.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/no-way.gif” alt=”Image result for no way pictures”>
I guess its life…!
Loving Life