esterday I started the day with high hopes. I was so happy and had many well wishers and I was so motivated to do this . I called my husband and told him about my experiment and he agreed to join me but two pieces of chicken later he kinda dropped out. One of my dearest friends decided to join me as well but a tiny piece of chicken later and boom she had to start over today . So I guess she will have an extra day.
After lunch yesterday I opened the fridge for my snack and a piece of turkey stared at me in my face ,I know that turkey said eat me!!! Now I don’t ordinarily have sandwiches during the day so for me to want a piece of turkey mid day was to me a psychological test. I resisted and retreated to another room. Thankfully it was nap time . I ate a sensible dinner and had my water and desert and went to bed.
Day two this was my breakfast
two boiled eggs
banana water and black coffee
Somehow I forgot lunch , my day went too fast
Veggie spud no butter, no sour cream (boiled spud)
and all uncooked veggies!!!!