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It was not by accident that I stumbled into the coma of social media. I mean it was what everyone was doing and it was a fun place to meet and see a lot of people that you had once met or went to high school and college with . Those early moments of social media were wonderful . I honestly don’t remember what we did on myspace besides change our pictures and add backgrounds but I reconnected with a lot of people . And then all of a sudden one day someone asked…”what’s on your mind…” And then life changed , forever .  And before you knew it, every single thing that was on someone’s mind was currently in our face . And  while some consistently posted the happier portions of life there were those who shared or shares every portion of their life. Even those unpleasant moments in a water closet.

<img src=”https://www.onlineinvestigations.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/oversharer.jpg” alt=”Image result for oversharer” />

For several years I was intrigued by what I was seeing . I loved keeping up with my facebook friends and my twitter partners . I loved their special moments and was mad with them in their unhappy and unpleasant times.  It was exciting when people told all their business and at the same time it was quite strange . And then a few times I started dreaming about them and then they became a part of my everyday vocabulary. I was obsessed with the amount of likes I got for a picture and whether or not someone commented on my posts and when they commented how many agreed and disagreed.

One day I had a full fledged disagreement with my husband about an old , “heifer, ” who had posted on his page about our new baby.  Although his only role in this is that she was a friend of one of his family members and since he had tagged his family , SHE seen the picture and was very happy not only to congratulate on the picture but to also send him an inbox message saying the same thing and adding, ” don’t be a stranger. ”

Routinely we had arguments over who was added as friend , who crossed boundaries when they posted something. My husband and I even had arguments over Meme’s , yes about how late it was when he finally acknowledged that I sent it to him . We even cried and planned to attend funerals of people we never met but happened to be social media friends with , ahhh I was in deep .

<img src=”https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSJadXU1rC413BVW-eMb4WiBffgCQNjJGvLHIJ78lI_u21miCBqXg” alt=”Image result for facebook likes pic” />

One morning after a horrible night of sleep and after my morning devotion and prayer time I did what I normally do , I scrolled down every social media site I had and I asked myself a simple question …, ” what were you doing before social media.”  It took me a little while to remember but I read more, I prayed more, I was more in touched with myself and what I liked. I exercised more, I ate better , I watched movies before they were reviewed online, the newspaper was common for me . I had friends that I spoke with in person , and we had outside interest. I missed a lot of pictures because I was caught up with the moment and not the opportunity to post a picture. I was home by the time I posted a picture and when I saw someone I knew,  I spoke .  I had a circle of friends. I was loyal to them , and if they made me mad we talked about it in person and no one outside of them said anything in public, well they may have but word didn’t travel that fast.  I wasn’t indirectly posting about someone and someone wasn’t indirectly posting about me because we didn’t post. And those people who weren’t in my life bc life had separated us was probably God’s will … and since His will is that I prosper and be in good health , change is inevitable.

<img src=”https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4c/74/c3/4c74c3326da65af5d3fb4d6536548c68–ice-cube-rapper-girl-bye.jpg” alt=”Image result for bye felicia” />

Life was completely different, and although some people tend to want to live a love and hip hop type life , I chose the HGTV world where I am playing in the back yard with my children , on dates with my husband, traveling with my parents , having crazy conversations with my friends and not checking every update that comes across my phone .


Loving Life

Without Social Media…well kinda


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