I started a new series today on my vlog. If you have not already please subscribe to my vlog on youtube ( basicallytesha). So let’s get into this vlog. With the title you already know that either this blog will be extremely long and boring or not that informative . After all have you not heard all of this before. Probably but the question is have you implemented any of things that you’ve heard before? If the answer is no I have 3 quick and simple things that you can use to achieve and maximize your life .
- Get a Planner . In that planner you need to list all the things you need to do for the month. All the things that you have been putting off and need to accomplish and of course all the things that you need to accomplish. I like to list content ideas, my children’s school events, pay and even what I plan to cook for the week. This can allow you to watch all of the things that you take for granted , it can cut your spending and cause your life to be smooth and in more in control. Here is the planner that I purchased and by far one of my favorites.
- Get a Journal . I have had a journal since I was a little girl. And though I don’t always write lengthy entries my journal is usually about growth. When I get a new journal for the New Year I will always list my bills and what is consistently on my mind . As the year goes by I will mark off those bills that were A . Paid off or were changed in a way. Also it is a good way for you to see how you have grown and matured over the years. I was looking back at a post and it said that I had a challenging year. I remembered exactly what happened that year and it was nothing like what I am currently going through . See . Growth . Here is my favorite journal.
3. You need a life coach. I know you’re saying well I have it all in control. Well have you won, are you struggling in an area, do you need some motivation from time to time? No one is beyond a little motivation. I know a person that could help you . If you want her information send me an email [email protected] . Life coaches can be one of the best investments of your life. They are here not to rob you but to give you the skills you need to achieve all of your goals and to keep you motivated and to help you win.
4. Write your Vision/ Plan and stick to it . You may have to modify it from time to time but the outcome should also be the same.
I hope you have enjoyed all of my recommendations and this year will be one of the most successful years of your life…Basically.