Defeat The Things That Defeat You
This week has been one of those weeks that I wanted to throw the entire week away . When you’re at the point that you are trying to achieve something Continue Reading
Basically Living…
This week has been one of those weeks that I wanted to throw the entire week away . When you’re at the point that you are trying to achieve something Continue Reading
I just want to take a moment and talk about weddings . One of my friends is getting married and I have to tell you I liked her better before Continue Reading
A friend and I had recently finished watching this season of the crown and because we are not series watchers and most of our time is spent doing other things Continue Reading
I don’t count myself as a professional relationship expert but in recent years I have had my fair share of hits and misses when it comes to the opposite sex Continue Reading
From the time I was a little kid until I was a young adult I was taught the importance of what it means to be a friend. My mother would Continue Reading
With a smile he greets her . He leans in for a hug and she backs up and places her hand out to shake his hand. His big smile diminishes Continue Reading
Previously on the last episode of Tesha goes without facebook and text messaging, I was able to tell you how much I learned during a course of a week. I was reading Continue Reading
Previously on my post I just talked about random things that were happening in my life. I often do that when I have absolutely nothing to talk about or if Continue Reading
Who would have ever believed that 2011 would go by fast. I can remember last year after moving to Birmingham, AL we spent our very first Christmas expecting the birth of Continue Reading
ho would have ever believed that 2011 would go by fast. I can remember last year after moving to Birmingham, AL we spent our very first Christmas expecting the birth of Continue Reading